Rick Bond

Rick Bond is an established western Canadian artist. He currently lives and paints full time near Vernon, B.C., Canada.

He was born in Victoria, B.C. and grew up in the Gulf Islands of Vancouver.

Rick started his painting career in 1980. He took his training through the Emily Carr Outreach program, Okanagan University College, Pearson College Summer School, Victoria , Federation of Canadian Artists and other professional artists' workshops.

Rick originally worked with oil, then watercolour and now works primarily with acrylic on canvas.

His genres, urban and rural landscape and musicians, are created with loose vibrant style and could be considered contemporary impressionism.

Rick has had many solo and group shows since 1985 starting with the Okanagan Artists League, with members of the FCA, and with public and private galleries in Vernon, Vancouver, Kelowna, Whistler, Calgary, Regina and Montreal.

In 1999 he achieved AFCA Signature Status with the Federation of Canadian Artists.

Rick has a strong affiliation with the community and is a regular contributor to fund raising activities. He was the Manager of Pharmacy Operations at the Vernon Jubilee Hospital and has been the president of the Okanagan Artists League, the Vernon Community Arts Council and the Chairperson for the Images and Objects show with the BC Festival of the Arts. He is also a former member of both the Lions and the Rotary clubs.

Rick has received many awards over the years and been published in a number of publications including “Brushes in the Sun (Hemlock Press)”, Pharmacy Practice and New Pharmacist.

He has been commissioned by many private individuals and corporations. The list includes Janet Helm Presents for Coca-Cola, Credential Financial and Royal Sun Alliance, B.C .Pharmacists Association, Sunnyville Developments, Riverside Forest Products, Tolko Forest Products The North Okanagan Regional District and the Silver Star Nordic World Cup.

His images have been used in the Farm Credit Corporation's National Calendar, Sabex Pharmaceuticals National Christmas Card and for the cover of the North Okanagan Tourism Guide.

Images can be viewed Rick Bond's website www.rickbondart.com and art work at:

White Rock Gallery
White Rock, BC

Hambelton Galleries
Kelowna, BC

Stephen Lowe Art Gallery
Calgary, Alberta

Adele-Campbell Fine Art Gallery
Whistler, BC

Madrona Gallery
Victoria, BC

Assiniboia Fine Art Gallery
Regina, Sask

Galerie d'art Au P'tit Bonheur
La Malbaie, QC

Artym Gallery
Invermere, B.C.

